Combined Accordion-9901.jpg


Using beautiful, high quality papers, ink and watercolour, be guided in folding and binding an accordian style artist book, then after lunch, fill it with inspiration from the Eramboo bush surroundings.

This is a full day of making your own artist book and filling it with painting and other media with a view to creating a beautiful account of your bush observations. 

You do not need to be an artist to enjoy this workshop, just bring a love of nature or at least a desire escape to the bush for a day! And if you wish, you are very welcome to bring some personal recollections of nature to incorporate into your book in whatever form eg a memory, photographs, poems or ephemera you may have collected. The surrounding bush land will provide plenty inspiration if not.

It is enormously satisfying to engage with ‘old school’ materials and methods and create and make just for the sake of it. Think of this day as described by humanitarian and environmental writer, Barry Lopez of entering a landscape with a willingness to learn something and to approach it as we would a person by opening a conversation.

Everyone is welcome and there will be careful guidance and demonstrations by both Ingrid and myself as well as delicious food all day.

Please note - If you would like to explore the bush surroundings at Eramboo, please come suitably dressed and take the opportunity to immerse yourself amongst the trees.

Sunday 5 May - 10am - 4pm. Eramboo Artist Environment, 304 Mccarrs Creek Road. Terrey Hills, NSW

Cost: $240

Tickets Via Eventbrite

If you have any questions please get in touch