A Collectors Compendium

An accordion bind for my daughters 18th birthday - 18 cards one coded with a memory

A contemporary bind for family treasures

A custom book binding booklets with in a book featuring encouraging words from industry experts for an 18 year old embarking on a career.

Things I Wanted To Say But Never Did. A series of 4 pocket books with the last images of my father beside his last words. Each card is connected by a long thin thread that allows them to be hung on the wall or tucked away

A pocket book bound to contain very special birthday wishes for a very special friend

A specially bound book for an alchemist who writes music, collects and writes

What Remains Series - Book containing cards and a photgraphic booklet

An Accordian with Spine - Panoramic Artists Book [Watercolour by Ingrid Bowen]. Created for a binding and watercolour workshop at Eramboo